Twitter Fortune 500

Is Twitter best for small business, big business, or for personal use? We’ll likely continue that debate, but new findings from the Society for New Communications Research (yes, there is such a thing!) as reported in the March 8 issue of PRnews found that Fortune 500 companies have takent to Twitter in a  big way.



According to the study:

  • 35% of Fortune 500 companies have had an active Twitter account in the last year, with four of the top five corporations posting consistently.
  • The most active industry using Twitter within the Fortune 500 companies was insurance – 13 companies actively tweet.
  • Of the top 100 companies, 47 have active Twitter accounts, while the bottom 100 have 33.

Twarketing has a list of the Twitter accounts of Fortune 500 companies. Granted, they’re using the 2008 Fortune 500 list, and their post was originally posted in September of 2008, but it’s still a great resource.


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