Creative PR Ideas – Holiday Themed

Often, the best part of our job is being able to think outside the box. Conversely, often the hardest part of our job is thinking outside the box. Here are some samples of extremely creative PR ideas, with a holiday theme.

  • BigWarmUp by  Land’s End – viral campaign with tons of buzz. Better yet, it creates an emotional connection.
  • – A three week marathon of over 4,000 miles, with CNN and the RFID Journal cheering on the Capitol Christmas tree as it crossed the finish line.
  • BotanyAngels – A New Zealand PR shop employeed people dressed as angels to perform random acts of kindness on harried shopping mall shoppers at the holidays.
  • TwitterMoms – Staples’ PR department developed this campaign to give out $100 gift cards to online moms who spark conversation on how to make holiday shopping easy
  • Holiday Tweetups – many people are using Tweetup to gather people for various causes and events
  • Christmas carols – Christmas carol parody for a software security company got attention, mostly negative

The takeaway is that there are a zillion different, unique ideas out there, and sometimes hearing about the ideas others have had (whether they’ve worked or not) can spark a flicker of creativity in your program planning. I know it helps me!

My thanks to Frank Strong of Vocus for posting the link to the article that detailed these ideas: ‘Tis the season: 7 creative PR ideas for the holidays.

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