Biggest PR Disasters of the Decade

Can you tell I love the end of the decade, when you get the roundup of the best and worst across a multitude of categories? Well, kids, today it’s the roundup of The 15 Biggest PR Distasters, again from Business Insider.

And yet again, there are many we are all very familiar with: Bridgestone/Firestone tires, Nipplegate, O.J. Simpson’s “I Did It” that almost was, JetBlue holding passengers hostage for 11 hours, and the Oprah KFC stampede. Some I haven’t heard of, but they are truly horrific: Urban Outfitters’ Ghettopoly? Cartoon Network causing a bomb scare in Boston? Philip Morris trying to put a positive spin on smoking deaths? Wowza.

Key takeaways: common sense. Hire a professional. Media training. Common decency. Respond immediately.

Okay, kids – enjoy, and happy holidays!

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