Rant on Professionalism

I hate to do it, but I have to. I simply have to. I need to rant and vent. My biggest pet peeve is lack of communication. Lack of response to e-mails and voicemails, and even if responded to, taking too long to do so. For an industry and profession that is all about COMMUNICATIONS, there are too many PR and marketing professionals I have come across who are not professionals in one-to-one communication.

Sure, they can craft and execute an award-winning campaign, put together an awesome crisis communications plan, or institute an awe-inspiring social media/viral marketing initiative, but when it comes time to respond to simple e-mail questions or requests, these people drop the ball.

Respond to e-mails and voicemails within 24 hours (frankly, I’m even stretching it here, in today’s era of instant gratification). If you promise to do something, do it, and take the lead and initiative on following up on it. You’re a professional, act like one. Get organized. Hire an assistant, if you have to.

Not responding to e-mails or voicemails in a timely manner, or at all, only harms your image – and in this business, we’re all about branding an image, are we not?

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